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Wednesday, December 30, 2009


I live in an area where fishing is a key sport. We have both Salt Water as well as Fresh Water fishing, and even tournaments - you should see the beach when that happens. You would think you were stuck in LA Traffic at rush hour.

Jesus invited the disciples to "come and I will make you fishers of men." An interesting concept. We love to fish for fish, but mention becoming a fisher of men to someone, and instead of flocking to the beachheads, people scatter like a bear has just dropped into the middle of a picnic. Why?

I think people are afraid to commit for fear of failure. And here I speak of myself. I find myself, telling myself that I need to do this, and then the other side of me finding reasons why I shouldn't, or reasons to put it off. So, how do I commit? The same as with any kind of fishing - you never will catch a fish until you cast the net or the line to do so.

This brings me to the second reason that we do not want to do this, and that is what do we do with them once the net or line has brought them in. In real fishing we know we have to clean and dress the fish, to prepare it for cooking and the table. But what do we do with the "spiritual fish" that our nets have brought in? This is where things gets complicated. I actually have to engage the individual(s). But with what? Evidently they are interested in the Message, or they wouldn't have come into the cast net or have taken the line. Jesus gives us some insight on this in Matt.9:35-37.
  • Once teaching has caught the interest of someone and their interest is piqued, then vs.35 shows us that continued teaching is required. Explanations of things such as salvation, the kingdom of God, fidelity to the Lord are needed things.
  • Vs.35 also shows us that Healing is a needed thing. Jesus healed physical ailments, and most certainly this behooves us to be aware of the physical needs of those we teach, and to do what we can to help them. Yet, healing also has a spiritual side. When we encounter people with further teaching, many discover that they need spiritual healing of one sort or another. Many will discover that their hearts are "cut" (Acts 2:37) and that they need the healing of Christ's blood (Acts 2:38). Others, will discover that old scars and wounds have reopened (1 Jn.1:9) and that they need the healing balm of forgiveness.
Why then are we afraid to engage people to "fish for men" when we already know of the salvation of Christ, and of the Forgiveness he gives in Grace as we continue to walk with Him?
Perhaps we are not convinced that we are truly saved or forgiven? Perhaps we are not appreciative of the grace that has been given to us? Perhaps, we just don't want to?

To my knowledge, discipleship and helping to aid into the effort to generate disciples is not an optional thing (2 Tim.2:2). We go fishing because we want to, we enjoy it, and we like the rewards. Spiritual fishing is equally enjoyable once you know how, and the rewards are far better. So, let's get the tackle and nets ready. Its time to go fishing!

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