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Monday, May 20, 2013

The CHOICE of Joy!

JOY! Think about it! Have you ever considered how many times the word us used in the New Testament?  In the book of Philippians alone,  Paul uses the word “joy” 16 times. It’s pretty amazing to think that Paul was able to write the most positive book of the Bible in the face of death itself.  Yet, for many Christians, joy seems to be a challenge.  How can you find joy, experience joy, and express joy in your walk with the Lord? How can you express joy, even in the midst of turmoil in life?

Life is filled with ups and downs, but understand that you have a choice: Which are you going to focus on — the good or the bad? Ph'p 4:8, “Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise”. Where do you get a list of things like that? Where do you find the place where you can fix your mind on these things? Talk radio? Not likely! Television? No. The newspaper or magazines? No.  There are two places where these things can be found, and one in abundance! (1) God’s Word. The more you fill your mind with what God has said,  the more positive and joyful you are going to be. God’s Word is true, it is right, and it is admirable. It is worthy of value.  (2) God's House This is our get-away from the world! This is our chance to renew ourselves and encourage ourselves. Psa.122:1 "I was glad when they said to me, Let us go into the house of the Lord."  Are you?

Another thing that teaches us simple joy, is when we can do things unselfishly. Jesus stated this  over and over again, that true happiness and joy can be found when you invest your life in others. If you want to have continuous joy in your life, here is the secret: Give your life away. Stop focusing on your problems, aches and pains, and start focusing on how to help others. The more you give your life away, Jesus said, the more you find it. The more unselfish you become, the more joyful a person you’re going to be. Paul wrote, “I love you and long to see you, dear friends, for you are my joy and the crown I receive for my work” (Ph'p 4:1). Paul’s joy came from serving the people in whom he had invested his life — the people he had led to Christ. 

Joy is a decision. You are as joyful as you choose to be. We get caught up in “when and then” thinking (“When ‘this’ happens in my life, then I’ll be happy”). You are as joyful as you choose to be, because joy is a choice. Paul stated in Ph'p.4:11 says, “I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances”.  You can always be joyful — no matter what happens — because God is in control. Many think that joy is some kind of characteristic for a naturally upbeat and cheerful person, and  that we’re “just not the joyful type.”  You’re wrong!  You have a chance to determine your destiny in life and the outlook with which you will approach it. Change right now what you are going to live the rest of your life for!  Seek God’s purpose, get to know God’s Son, and use your life to help other people, then you will have more joy than you could ever imagine.

So, think about it.  What are the honorable, right, pure, lovely, and admirable things that you discover in your reading God's Word? How can you remind yourself to focus on these things today?  What are the circumstances that are keeping you from being content and joyful and consider letting those things go! 


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