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Wednesday, September 22, 2010

The Bible - and False Teachers and Militant Reaction

Militant Religion has always been a dangerous thing. Radicalism on any part can lead to the adaptation of stances that cause harm to many, and prejudice against any who don't conform. This is seen in many places in history, from Hitler to the KKK, to Radical Islam. We cringe at these, yet, often do not stop to consider ourselves.

The Torah (written law or first 5 books of Moses) warns against listening to the false teacher or prophet in Dt.13:1-3. Yet, have you considered that Dt.18:20 specifically states that the false prophet should die.

Other passages in the NEVI'IM or the Prophets that mention punishment regarding the False Prophet are Jer.14:13-16; 20:6; 28:16-17; Jer.29:32; Zec.13:3 All of them, mention that the one guilty of such practices is to be put to death.

The Talmud, the most significant collection of the Jewish oral tradition interpreting the Torah adapts a stance that if read openly today, would rank with militant Imams of Islam today. Among the more radical of the Rabinnical teachings, The Schulchan Aruch, written by Joseph Caro (1488-1575). Choszen Hamiszapt 425.5. "Those who do not confess the Torah and the Prophets must be killed. Who has the power to kill them, let them kill them openly with the sword. If not, let them use artifices, till they are done away with."

Therefore, it is likely that the Jews of Nazareth in Luke 4, Mt.13 and Mk.6 felt totally justified in what they were doing with Jesus.

Luke 4:28,29 On hearing this, everyone in the synagogue was filled with fury. They rose up, drove him out of town and dragged him to the edge of the cliff on which their town was built, intending to throw him off.

However, what becomes wrong is that they do not consider any evidence that they could be presented with, no do they take the time to weigh the statements or claims given by Jesus with any actual study or proof. They simply react with hostility. The Torah specifically taught (Num.15:30-31,36; Deut13:6-10; 17:2-13) that two to three witnesses were required to verify the accusation before one could be put to death. To simply react with hostility and prejudicial towards anyone, without fair hearing and trial of evidence, has never been God's way.

We do not like what we see in the world today with radical extremism. It makes the world a very unpleasant place to live and fosters ungodliness in many forms. The warning I believe of the scripture, of God, and to the world is to be careful lest there exist within us the same type of heart.

2 Cor 6:17,18 "Therefore go out from their midst, and be separate from them, says the Lord, and touch no unclean thing; then I will welcome you, and I will be a father to you, and you shall be sons and daughters to me, says the Lord Almighty."

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