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Monday, March 31, 2014

God Loves a Cheerful Giver

"Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver."
2 Cor 9:7 

We give every Lord's day. It is a "tradition" and a good one, yet, I fear at times we become complacent in our giving. God did not tell us to give so that someone else could be paid to do what I want them to. He tells us that giving is always FOR others, not to absolve me of responsibility.  God did not give you your talents and abilities for your benefit. They are for the benefit of other people, and their talents are for your benefit. If you don’t use your talent that God gave you, other people get cheated. Peter states, "whoever serves, as one who serves by the strength that God supplies--in order that in everything God may be glorified through Jesus Christ. (1 Pt.4:11)." The way you bring glory to God is by using your abilities, words, talents, life well to serve  others. God is glorified when you do this. 

Everybody has different talents. Paul in Eph.4 illustrates this well.  God has given me some talents. I love working in metal, planting a garden, being a grandfather. One of my talents is taking the Word of God and making it clear for other people to understand. When I use that ability, the people I encounter get blessed. My talent is for you. It’s to help you. But here’s the point: You have abilities too. The question then is when are you going to start being a blessing others with who you are and what you do. When are you going to start helping others?

Think about it. What are the gifts that God has given to you? Have you stopped to consider or ask yourself this? What does God want you to be doing? We speak of doing God's will all the time. Now is the time to start putting into practice what you have and are learning. How are you using who you are and what God gives you to serve others? How do you think God wants you to use them for the benefit of others?

Consider this the next time you drop your contribution in a plate Sunday. Consider and ask, what abilities do I have that I can give God this week? How can I show God's glory in my life to bring hope, blessing, joy, love into the lives of others. 


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