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Monday, July 16, 2012

It is NOT unattainable!

Following up on my lesson from two weeks ago about Eph.4:1-6, Paul mentions there are things that are only ONE!  If you continue reading Eph.4, you discover the reason that Paul goes to such lengths to emphasize these ONES is to point out our responsibilities in becoming like Christ. Eph 4:13  “until we all attain to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to mature manhood, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ…”

The measure of Christ is the guide or the model we are to strive to achieve. This statement is qualified by the two prior to it:
  1. 1.    Attain to the Unity of Faith – The things that God has provided for in the functioning of His house, are given to this end. Unity of faith is not seeing everything identical. This misses the boat entirely. The context of the statement is that the functioning of ministry (service) is to continue for the purpose of building up of other saints (Christians) to continue the work of ministry and building up of Christ’s house (vs.12; 2 Tim.2:2)
  2. 2.  To the measure of the Stature of the fullness of Christ -  Measure is better understood “degree.” It is a means of measure and degree indicates the measure by which something is complete (i.e. 50% complete, 75% complete etc.)  Stature in the original Greek, means maturity of years or size. So, understanding this statement is that God gave the functions within His body as He did, so that you and I might be able to continue the work that He has given, to bring others to the degree of completeness that we have matured to the extent that we are in Christ and Christ is in us so fully that we cannot be distinguished from each other (see also Jn.17).

Some would say that this is a tall order – and it is. Yet, it is NOT unattainable!
  1. ·         First, we must choose to let go of old ways of acting and behaving. Everything connected with that old way of life has to go because it’s rotten. Get rid of it!” (Eph.4:22)
  2. ·         Second, we must change the way we think. We can no longer let ourselves be guided by the way that the world thinks. We have to let God’s Spirit change our way of thinking to be more and more like Christ (Eph. 4:23). The Bible says we are “transformed” by renewing of our minds (Rom.12:2).
  3. ·        Third, we have to put on the character of Christ in all of our ways by developing new, godly habits. Our character is essentially the sum of how we habitually act. The Bible says, “Put on the new self, created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness” (Eph.4:24 NIV).

Throughout the Bible, we see an important truth illustrated over and over: The Holy Spirit releases his power the moment you take a step of faith in the right direction towards God. Read Hebrews 11 and you will see generations of people who through trust, did what God said and were rewarded for it. Heeding God’s voice unlocks God’s power.  Don’t wait to feel powerful or confident. Move ahead in your weakness, doing the right thing in spite of your fears and feelings. Co-operating with God’s Holy Spirit, when God calls you to walk in faith is how your character develops. So, some pertinent questions to ask ourselves would be

  • What God-directed action have you put off because you felt inadequate or weak? – Perhaps you need to trust in faith God’s best interests for you and make that step today!
  • What old habits do you need to do away with? – Perhaps you need to trust in faith that if you do this, that God will give you better ones.


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