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Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Why Your Church Doesn’t Care!! |

Why Your Church Doesn’t Care!! |

The church doesn’t care……because it can’t care. Your church is an organization much like your bank or your cell phone company. It doesn’t have feelings and it doesn’t reward loyalty.

We have to do better at creating a “WE ARE THE CHURCH” culture.

Seth Godin wrote on his blog:

If you want to build a caring organization, you need to fill it with caring people and then get out of their way.”

I think the most of our churches could put a check mark in the box next to the “fill it with caring people” item. It’s the “get out of their way” part that is challenging. For far too long we’ve helped people into one of two buckets. The one filled with “we know how to do it, so do what we say” bucket and the bucket where people constantly starting sentences with words like “the church ought to”.

When I as a Christian believe that I am a part of the body of Christ I become the solution to the problem.

As I work with churches around the country to create relevant ministry space, I’ve noticed a big difference in organizations where the church leaders make all the decisions vs church leaders who leverage the competence of sharp business leaders. The projects are faster, more efficient in the use of the ministry space, and cost less. While your building a church isn’t the time to learn how to build a church. Leverage people who want to use their business gifts to impact the kingdom.

If a church is challenged with attracting and retaining real leaders in volunteer ministry, this might be the issue. Leaders want to lead (shocker!). If you won’t let them they’ll end up with someone who will.

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