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Monday, June 9, 2014

Spiritual Gifts - Not What You Think :-)

“Now there are varieties of gifts, but the same Spirit. And there are varieties of service, but the same Lord and there are varieties of activities, but it is the same God who empowers them all in everyone.”
1 Cor.12:4-6

What is a spiritual gift? Everyone wants to ooohhh and ahhhhhh over mystical and flashy abilities. This was true even in the day of the apostles. In Acts 8, this is why Simon sought to by the gifts of God, because he wanted to use them to attract attention to himself. Have you ever considered that this is why when the scriptures were completed, that we do not see the more amazing gifts that the apostles had? They could be entrusted with them, but others coming after would abuse them for their own purposes. Yet, God has not left us bereft of the things that we need in order to accomplish His will. We have the written word of God, that supplies the majority of what we need. And, He will endow us with the spiritual gifts and the equipment to do what he asks you to do. God will never have you to do something He doesn’t give you the ability to do.

The minute we obey the gospel (Acts 2:38) we receive the gift of God's spirit, salvation, and the abilities to accomplish what God wants us to do. Some of these will take time, some will take learning, some will require failure and the need to start over again. At some point someone will be brought into our lives, that need the special something that we have to encourage them onto God. Sometimes, people are brought into our lives to awaken a gift within us, so that we can use it for God's purpose. The interesting thing is that the ability God uses, is often not the ability that we think we have. You don’t earn your gift, and it is not a right of passage. It’s also not for your benefit. Your spiritual gifts are given to you to help other people. And other people in God's kingdom are given their gifts to help you. We have and are given the abilities that we have so that we can be a blessing to others, helping them on their path on and to God. When you use your spiritual gift, the people you encounter get blessed. It’s like a puzzle. If you have one jigsaw piece missing, what’s the first thing you notice? The one missing piece.

The challenge here is that if you don’t develop and use your spiritual gifts, then we all get cheated. So someone asks, “Well, what is my gift?” Answer – I don't know...I didn't give it to you. God does, ask Him! All I can encourage you to think about is to not look for the flashy, attention getting stuff. Study God's word, ask God to show you what you can do, ask yourself how YOU can glorify God in and by your life. Then....let God work. Don't hasten it, rush it, poke it or prod it. Let it come naturally and in the time and place that God wants. is truly God working in you. Become active, encourage, inspire, be the one to do. It's not just song leading, praying, announcing, preaching that is needed. Many times we need simply someone to lean on. We need people who are willing to understand that others need to be taught and someone needs to teach them. We need MEN willing to teach and share experiences with younger men on issues of life. We need WOMEN who are willing to help and teach the younger women about motherhood, serving God and more. We need young men and women who are willing to teach teens about issues of life that they will face. We need people who are willing to make mistakes so that they can learn how to serve God better.

In short – WE NEED YOU!!!


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