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Monday, September 17, 2012

Millennial Kingdom?

The Millennial Kingdom This is a complex subject that has many facets and twists depending upon which view you take.  It is also one that is packed with emotion, with people becoming very emotional about it on either side.  It is easy to become defensive about what we have been taught over the years, especially when we have accepted it to be true.  All that I can ask is that as you continue read, that you do so open mindedly and studiously with your Bible at your side.  Lay aside preconceived notions, prejudices and personal theories and at least consider the history and context of the matters at hand.

Would it surprise you to know that the teaching of the “Millennium” is not a new one?  There is a not dissimilar belief in Judaism, both ancient and modern. It began to be fostered during the period of the exile of the Jews in Bablyon (587–538 B.C.). A mystic belief was perpetuated following the release from Babylon and rebuilding of the Temple, that the time of the Messiah would come after which there would be a 1000 year period of godliness during which all enemies would be routed and a paradise of sorts on earth would occur. In this period, any non-Jew who lives according to the Seven Laws of Noah is regarded as a righteous gentile, and is assured of a place in 'olam ha-ba  (the world to come), the final reward of the righteous and all others to Gehinom the eternal realm of the damned.  As such a period has not occurred in Jewish history, many have then stated that the true Messiah of God has not come which is why it has not happened as the Messiah must come before the end of this period. 

This mirrors the more modern belief of the “Rapture” and “Millennial Kingdom of God” as many know it today.  However, if one researches the history of this belief it can be traced back to circa 175 A.D.  
  • Paul in his epistles and John in his, battle with such a perpetuated believe that began to surface among Jewish converts as early as 50 A.D.  
    • In 1 Cor.15 addresses what heaven and spiritual life will be like, dealing with heresies that were being perpetuated surrounding it.  
    • 1 Thess.4,  Paul writes to the Thessolonians  not to worry about the status of those who are already dead where it concerns eternity and whether Christ comes again or not. This was to refute a teaching that was being perpetuated by some mystics among them that taught that the Lord had already returned but that the people had “missed it.” 
    • 2 Thess.2 deals with the rise of those who would elevate themselves to the status of “god” whether secular or spiritual and would try to lead people away from the path that Jesus taught. This stemming from giving in to emperor worship of the day by some.  
    • Even going into the beginning of the second century, Justin Martyr wrote, “I signified to you that many who belong to the pure and pious faith, and are true Christians, think otherwise (Dialogue with Trypho (Chapters 80-81)).” 

So, the question becomes whether this teaching is correct, is there going to be a “Millennial Kingdom” or not?  I propose in the remainder of this article and possibly some to follow that we go back to the basis from which this started and come forward in order to answer this question.  As stated initially, this is not a new teaching, but something that came from the teaching of mystics after the return from the Babylonian Exile in 538 B.C.. Even the fight for the present day “Israeli state” stems from this concept that the recognition of Israel as a nation and the return of the land to the Jews, heralds the return of the Messiah and the 1000 year Kingdom of God upon the earth.  So, let’s begin here.
  1. The return of Israel to the land after the Exile was indeed something that was promised. However, God spoke through Isaiah that only a remnant would return and be involved from both Judah and Israel (Is.1:9; 10:20-25; Jer. 30:3,4; 50:3,4).  As before, there was a condition upon staying and keeping this (Dt.28:15 ff), that they remain faithful to God in all things and walk in his statutes. 
  2. That the descendants of the Exiles did not do this is evident by Jesus’ own statements to them (Mk..2:17, 9:1; Mt.21:43 and ch.23)
  3. There was NEVER another promise to restore the Jews to the land of Israel given in the Bible after the destruction of the Temple in A.D.70 (Acts 1:6; Acts 2:38-47)

Another facet to this, is that teaching that there is yet a mystical Millennial Kingdom to come, assumes that prophesy has not been fulfilled and God’s Kingdom has not come. Daniel’s prophesy of Dan.2:40-44 states that from Daniel’s time there were four kingdoms that would precede the coming of God’s Kingdom.  
  1.  Babylon (Head of Gold)  
  2.  Mede-Persian (chest of silver)  
  3. Greece under Alexander (Brass thighs)  
  4.  Roman (Legs of Iron – feet of Iron/Clay)  

It would be in the days of the fourth Kingdom (Iron/Iron-Clay) Rome that God would set up His kingdom that would never be destroyed.  Jesus came in the days of the Roman Empire (Mt.3; Lk.2) and was crucified by the Jews of that day and Pilate during the Reign of Augustus Caesar.  Jesus had told the Jews that there would be some STANDING THERE that would not die until they saw His Kingdom come (Mk.9:1), He told his disciples/apostles that He was giving them the keys to it (Mt.16:18f), and Jesus and His apostles went about preaching the Kingdom (Mt.10:7; Acts 2:47; 20:25). In Acts 2:19f, Peter stated that day that we had entered what the Holy Spirit stated in Joel’s prophesy were the “last days.”  He taught that the Messiah had come, God’s Kingdom had come and that mankind should repent of their sins and be baptized in the name of Christ (Acts 2:38).  Those who did so THAT DAY were “added” to God’s assembly, just like you if you do the same thing, will be added today.  Peter states in 2 Pt.3:9,10 that God wants us to repent NOW.  Paul states in Rom.1:16 that we should not be ashamed of the gospel NOW, and in 2 Cor.6:2  Paul states that TODAY is the day of salvation.  There is NOTHING MORE TO COME!  God states in Hebrews 1 that there is NO MORE revelation – we have everything we need in Christ.  Jude vs.3 states that salvation HAS been delivered – there is NO OTHER! With God, it is simple. You are either part of His Kingdom or you are not.  All that remains is for that day within the Father’s knowing (Mt.24:36; Mk.13:32) when time ends and earth is No More (2 Pet.3:10). And there Peter makes a good observation, “Since all these things are thus to be dissolved, what sort of people ought you to be in lives of holiness and godliness, waiting for and hastening the coming of the day of God..”


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