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Tuesday, March 24, 2015

6 Weeks To Resurrection - The Annas Meeting

After His arrest in the Garden of Gethsemane, Jesus is lead to what will be the first of His trials. John 18:13  First they led him to Annas, for he was the father-in-law of Caiaphas, who was high priest that year.  The picture to the right shows a picture from inside the family tomb of Annas where the famously discovered ossuary of Caiaphas was discovered in 1990. This demonstrates to any reader, that the events of the gospels are historical and involved the people that are mentioned in their narratives.   The High Priest's Palace has also been located, and was during its day a palatial multi-story mansion. This is where Jesus was brought, bound for what is his first trial. The Passover ended, Jesus went to the Garden with the disciples on what would have been after 9pm on a Wednesday. It is around midnight when Judas appears in the Garden with the guard to arrest Jesus. For what to us would have been very early Thursday morning (2 am or so), he is escorted from the Garden to the High Priest's Palace. John 18 and the other gospels describe the events, but what is important to understand is that what happened to Jesus was illegal in all sorts of ways.  Both the gospels, the characters mentioned, and historians outside of the scripture all mention that the events were irregular and violations of the rules that the Jews themselves set for things such as this.  Two primary things are 1.)  That he was brought to Annas before he was brought to the Sanhedrin was illegal. Annas had no authority, was not in office, and could not decide anything as far as Jewish law.  2.) The fact that it was still night and that Jesus was beaten were two NO NO's of Jewish law. They would not do this in any other case -- but they did with Jesus. What does this tell you?
Another key event that happens here, is that this is where Peter denies Jesus. To understand this and to see where it occurs really brings home the emotions and fear of the night. In the upper right of the picture is the Reception Hall where Jesus was brought. Just down to the left is the Courtyard where Peter was have stood, "warming himself" Jn.18:18. There was a doorway that is there, and this is where Peter denies Jesus, and it is also where Jesus looks at Peter as the denial occurs. The weight of that moment can be palpably felt, as for Peter - he is crushed. He has not done what he has said he would do. For Jesus - the finality that events are now set in motion and his death is upon Him. 

What can we learn from these events?
  1. Prov. 29:25  The fear of man lays a snare, but whoever trusts in the LORD is safeFear causes people to do things that they normally would not do. Many things that we do sometimes that we consider "dumb" are things that we do out of fear. Fear that we cannot do without something. Fear that someone will not like us. Fear that we will be blamed, accused, etc.  But, hear the proverb because Trusting in the Lord casts out fear because with God no matter what comes, my path is set. Jesus trusted God in this time of fear. Peter did not, neither did those who accused Jesus. Do you? Or are you afraid?
  2. Mt .6:41  "Watch and pray that you may not enter into temptation. The spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak."  This is so true.This was also Peter's dilemma. His spirit was indeed willing to die with the Lord, but when it came time to face the pain - he became weak. This is true with us too. We all go to church, talk bible, and many things that outwardly are spiritual good things. Yet, when the time comes to face the pain, guilt, truth or whatever, our flesh becomes weak and we give in. 1 Jn.1:9 if we confess our sins, God forgives.
  3. Jer.10:23  I know, O LORD, that the way of man is not in himself, that it is not in man who walks to direct his steps. Learn that you cannot captain your own ship as many have been taught that they can. We master little in life, and our life is not one of them. Without God in our lives, we are a shipwreck waiting to happen.
Many things happened in this trial that Jesus went through and there were yet more to come. We see humanity at its worst, and God at His best. Ever wonder what would have happened if God had reacted to the world as we would if it were our child -- "What do you think you are doing to my boy?" Me thinks the world would be a crispy critter!  Aren't you thankful for grace?


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