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Monday, May 5, 2014

What Happened After?

Many know the New Testament and lives of the apostles. Yet, not many of us are aware of the history surrounding them, their deaths, and what happened after their passing. What about the effects of their teaching? Those whom they taught? Churches that they started?

Jesus arose in 30 A.D. and it was 40 days later that the disciples were gathered together on Pentecost in Acts 2, the beginning of the body of Christ. This is where many skim over historical highlights in favor of focusing on doctrinal struggles that took place. In doing so, we lose the time stream of things which can be equally important to realize, because events and rulers of these times often tell us why things happen as they did.

A.D.30-33 was a charged period in history both politically and religiously. Tiberius was emperor during this time and came to power after the death of Octavian in 14 AD. A military hero and he was loved by the Roman people in the beginning of his rule. However, over time it is speculated that he went mad, living the last part of his life in isolation, and is even reported by Roman historians to have been unbearably cruel and sadistic. As a result, military tensions in Israel and Palestine are high, skirmishes between civilian and military personnel frequent. One group extremely affected by this are the followers of Jesus, who have just seen his crucifixion at the hands of the Jewish Leaders and Pontius Pilate.  Another group that will begin so see some stress and change at the same time are the very people who have delivered Jesus to be put to death. The Jewish leadership is already seeing a strained relationship with Roman authorities, but now they are facing turmoil from within their own midst.  The man they had just put to the cross is now being reported alive in the streets of Jerusalem and they have damage control to launch. On top of this, this event has put them in jeopardy with Roman authorities. Added to this is also the tearing of the Temple Veil in Lk.23:45.  The Jewish Talmud Yoma 39b records, “Forty years before the Temple was destroyed [i.e., 40 years before 70 A.D. or in 30 A.D.] . . .the gates of the Hekel [Holy Place] opened by themselves, until Rabbi Yohanan B. Zakkai rebuked them [the gates] saying, Hekel, Hekel, why alarmist thou us? We know that thou art destined to be destroyed...”  This is a significant thing because the veil signified separation that existed between God and his people (sin). The tearing of the veil is a supernatural phenomenon  saying that the separation no longer exists, and if it no longer exists then the system of rule and sacrifice that took place within the walls of the temple were about to change. Forty years later, it would, when the very temple itself would be destroyed to such an extent so as to be unusable.

The Jewish leadership is struggling for damage control and tensions with the romans are going to continue to mount and escalate. Yet, out of what seems a chaotic 3rd world, comes the hand of God bringing about His will, His body.  Persecution by man is turned by God into something that will take the teachings of Jesus throughout the world.

Chaos in your world? Turmoil? Politics? Tragedy? Maybe God is using these events to bring about something fantastic in your life. Are you looking for it?


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