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Friday, October 8, 2010

Happy to Get DUMPED ON!

Of all of the most perplexing of Jesus' statements, Matt.5:11 "How blessed you are when people insult you and persecute you and tell all kinds of vicious lies about you because you follow me!" is one of the most baffling at times. This statement goes totally contrary to human nature, because when I get hurt, I want to hurt back. Honestly, my first impression when I read this is HOW CAN A PERSON BE HAPPY WHEN THEY'RE GETTING DUMPED ON?!

Now, I know that there is some biblical scholar, or Monday Quarterback Scholar out there that would say, "..well if you would just read verse 12, it would tell you." This is true. But, heaven after is little consolation NOW! And I'm supposed to be happy about it? Give me a break! It is hard to be happy about getting dumped on - period! Yet, it is the Lord's will that I do so.

The Bible is replete with illustrations of men such as Paul and the other apostles and brethren that died for their faith. Men who suffered much greater angst and anguish than I will ever endure. Jesus, suffering most of all, with much more horror than I will ever face. And the scripture states to me, "You have not yet resisted to the point of shedding blood in the contest against sin. (Heb.12:4)."

So, how can I learn? What can I learn - when I'm being dumped on and every instinct in me cries out to lash back? Oddly enough, the church at Ephesus stands to teach me. While starting out and perhaps for a while continuing to be a strong church, Ephesus by the close of the first century had reached a point of callousness. Yet, this is not to say that they had not done some pretty amazing things spiritually. Let's look at some things in Rev.2:3 that GOD HIMSELF says about them, that HE observed in them that stood out:
  1. They had “borne” This word means endured or sustained under pressure. In other words, the had lasted things out and seen through to the other side of whatever it was they were having to go through. This is a good quality to learn, that often, we can outlast what is coming at us.
  2. They had “patience” This word means constancy. Synonyms for this are steady, firm, reliable, dependable. God had seen in them, that when Satan threw everything at them, that they would be the ones to come through. They would be the ones NOT to cave in. A good quality to have, especially when someone else is depending upon me and my reaction to base a decision upon.
  3. They had “labored” is life lesson #whatever. Nothing good ever comes without hard work. Even in trial, there is work, sometimes even more work than when I'm not going through trial. This also teaches that going through something will often depend on what type of work that I have done to prepare for it. Living in Florida has taught me that going through a Tropical Storm or light Hurricane often depends on what you have done to prepare for it and what it brings. Lesson here is preparedness.
  4. That had not “fainted” This word means sickened or grown tired. When things had gotten tough, they didn't call in sick, they didn't party all night and then called in and said, I'm too tired to make it. They had engaged the race and made the finish line. Lesson? Don't be a wimp! If you're engaged in the race, then finish the race.

There are many lessons that we can learn from this. For me, overall I learned the following

  • It is not the experience that I'm going through, but qualities it brings out that are important and that should make me happy. No one likes going through hardship, scathing remarks, lies, or whatever. What comes out on the other side though when you've endured things like this, will make you a better person.
  • That we must take care not to allow our good to become calloused. One of the problems that God points out to the church, was not to leave their first love. Don't allow things like this to get to you and make you a bitter person, or to allow you to become prejudiced and judgmental. Remember, there are those who have gone before you, that have endured much more than you will ever have to!
It was to the church at Ephesus that God said, “…Remain faithful, even to the point of death; and I will give you life as your crown.(Rev.2:10).” He says this to us too! Know that for every hardship you endure, it puts you one step closer to that crown of life. Now that, can make you happy!!


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