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Thursday, June 2, 2016

Misconceptions by Steven Reider

Misconceptions by Steven Reider

When I received this book, I guess I had misconceptions.  I thought this was going to be a quick read and I'd be off to the next one. The first chapters were nice, though I found some differences in thought with the author. But this didn't discourage me. I continued reading and pleasantly so. The middle chapters I found slightly confusing and again with some differences in thought from the author. However, the latter chapters I found intriguing and enlightening. The thoughts well formed and documented stimulated my own study, and I came away delightfully surprised.
Will I recommend this book?  Yes. But, I recommend reading it openly, with a degree of reservation. The book has good points, is worth study and note. However some of the logic in the chapters eludes me. Perhaps my own misconceptions? It's still a good book.
