“When [Jesus] had finished speaking, he said to Simon, ‘Put out into deep water, and let down the nets for a catch.’ Simon answered, ‘Master, we’ve worked hard all night and haven’t caught anything. But because you say so, I will let down the nets.’” (Luke 5:4-5)
"Habits eat willpower for breakfast," is a quote by John Ortberg in his book "Soul Keeping: Caring for the Best Part Of You." We often think that we can do it ourselves. I have enough willpower to overcome this (whatever it is). Sometimes though, our best is not enough and situations arise that are out of our control. This is especially true with those sinful habits that plague us. Even the apostle Paul fought with this (Rom.7:23), and admitted that he was not strong enough. Yet, he did not resign himself to his sin or his habits. He understood and taught that it is only when we surrender ourselves to Christ that we can find freedom from the compulsion and habits that plague us.
It is a humbling and embarrassing thing to admit that I can't do something.The Bible calls it confession, and it can be tough. In the quote at the beginning of the article, think about how hard it must have been for Simon Peter to admit failure to Jesus. He was a professional fisherman, and good at it. It was how he made his living, yet, his way wasn't working. It wasn't until he gave up and admitted that the Lord was right (even though it didn't make sense to him) that he caught the fish. What causes us to be like this?
- PRIDE gets in the way. We don’t want anybody to think that we can’t handle something. You’re in charge. You've got it all together.
- Stubbornness. You’re unwilling to change the way you’re doing things because you're right and everyone else is wrong. You'll prove it...or die trying!
- Fear. You think that people will think less of you. You’re afraid to get Jesus into your boat because he’ll steer it in a direction YOU don’t want to go or aren't ready to give up.
How have you let pride, stubbornness, or fear keep you from admitting that you NEED God to be at the center of your life? Do you have a war going on inside yourself like Paul? To quote the modern music artist Big Daddy Weave, "Stop fighting a fight that has already been won!" God will show you the way if YOU will LET HIM!